Common Charity

  Normal / Trap
Draw 2 cards, then banish 1 Normal Monster from your hand, or, if you have none, send your entire hand to the GY. 
CARD ID: 40465719
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YuGiOh! TCG karta: Common Charity


TCG SetSymbolRarityLowAvgTrend
Speed Duel: Arena of Lost Souls SBLS-EN016 Common---
Speed Duel Starter Decks: Twisted Nightmares SS05-ENA29 Common---
Tactical Evolution TAEV-EN072 Rare---

Card Trivia

 The person in this card's artwork is the same person who appears in the artwork of Heart of the Underdog.
This card has the similar effect with Heart of the Underdog, since they both require a Normal Monster to draw a card(s).
Allure of Darkness is the Spell Card version of this for DARK monsters.
This card appears to be a counterpart of Graceful Charity, indicated by the name, drawing effect, and the pictured character levitating a glowing card.


OCG Rulings

If "Imperial Iron Wall" is active, "Common Charity" cannot be activated. If "Imperial Iron Wall" is chained to "Common Charity", then the Normal Monster Card is not removed from play and remains in the hand. You must show your opponent the Normal Monster Card for confirmation. (If there is no Normal Monster Card, then the hand is still sent to the Graveyard.): When "Imperial Iron Wall" is active, can "Common Charity" removed from play the monster from your hand?

Mentions in Other Rulings

Exodia the Forbidden One: For cards like "Graceful Charity", "Dark World Dealings", "Solar Recharge", "Allure of Darkness", "Common Charity", and similar cards: if you draw the fifth piece of "Exodia the Forbidden One" through this effect, then you declare victory after you finish fully resolving the effect. If the second part of the effect causes you to discard a piece, then after you finish fully resolving the effect "Exodia the Forbidden One

Previously Official Rulings

Mentions in Other Rulings

Imperial Iron Wall: "Allure of Darkness" (or "Common Charity", etc.) cannot be activated while "Imperial Iron Wall" is active