Colossal Fighter

Warrior / Synchro / Effect  DARK / 8
1 Tuner + 1+ non-Tuner monsters
Gains 100 ATK for each Warrior monster in the GYs. When this card is destroyed by battle and sent to the GY: You can target 1 Warrior monster in either GY; Special Summon that target.

CARD ID: 23693634
STATUS TCG: Unlimited
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YuGiOh! TCG karta: Colossal Fighter


TCG SetSymbolRarityLowAvgTrend
Battle Pack Tournament Prize Cards BATT-EN018 Starfoil Rare---
Duelist League 2010 participation cards DL09-EN012 Rare---
Legendary Collection 5D's Mega Pack LC5D-EN030 Secret Rare---
OTS Tournament Pack 10 (POR) OP10-PT034 Common---
Premium Gold PGLD-EN043 Gold Rare---
Starter Deck: Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's 5DS1-EN043 Super Rare---
Turbo Pack: Booster Five TU05-EN000 Ultimate Rare---

Card Trivia

 The Gigantech in the Japanese/Korean name of Colossal Fighter is a play on the word gigantic, and may also be a combination of gigantic and technology, referring to its futuristic look.
This monster appears in the artwork of the following cards:
Discord Counter
Synchro Blast
Synchro Change
Synchro Destructor
This card has an Assault Mode counterpart, Colossal Fighter/Assault Mode.


TCG Rulings

Judge Program Forum Rulings

{{RulingFlagged">TCGJudgeProgram =
Armory Arm: If a monster equipped with "Armory Arm" destroys "Colossal Fighter" by battle and sends it to the Graveyard, then the effect of "Armory Arm" and the effect of "Colossal Fighter" will form a Chain. "Armory Arm" is Chain link 1 and "Colossal Fighter" is Chain link 2. The effect of "Colossal Fighter" resolves first and Special Summons "Colossal Fighter", then the effect of "Armory Arm" resolves but since "Colossal Fighter" is no longer in the Graveyard, no damage is inflicted.: Colossal and Armory Arm OTK.

OCG Rulings

When the number of Warrior-Type monsters either Graveyard changes, this card's ATK boost adjusts.: When the number of monsters in the Graveyard changes, does "Colossal Fighter"s ATK change?

This card's revival effect targets.: Synchro Monster > Colossal Fighter

You can target a monster in either player's Graveyard with the revival effect.: Can "Colossal Fighter" target a monster in your opponent's Graveyard?

This card can target itself with its own revival effect.

When "Colossal Fighter" is Special Summoned by "Descending Lost Star", if he is destroyed by battle, then his effect is not negated because it activates in the Graveyard. You Special Summon a Warrior-Type monster.: Is the effect of a Syncho Monster which was Special Summoned by "Descending Lost Star" negated if the effect activates in a place other than the field?

The effect of "Shiny Black "C" cannot be activated during the Damage Step, such as when "Colossal Fighter" is destroyed by battle and Special Summons itself.: Can the effect of "Shiny Black "C" be activated in the Damage Step?

If "Colossal Fighter" is destroyed by battle by "Goyo Guardian", then both effects activate and form a Chain. The order of the Chain is based on what monster the Turn Player controls. In each case, the Chain has the Turn Player's effects as the first Chain Links, and the Chain resolves backwards.: When "Goyo Guardian" destroys "Colossal Fighter", if each effect is activated, then how does it resolve?
Assume that "Colossal Fighter" targets itself with its effect.
If "Goyo Guardian" and "Colossal Fighter" are both destroyed by battle, then the effect of "Goyo Guardian" does not activate.
When the Turn Player controls "Goyo Guardian", the effect of "Goyo Guardian" activates as Chain Link 1, and the effect of "Colossal Fighter" activates as Chain Link 2. Resolving backwards, "Colossal Fighter" Special Summons itself first, so the effect of "Goyo Guardian" is not applied.
When the Turn Player controls "Colossal Fighter", the effect of "Colossal Fighter" activates as Chain Link 1, and the effect of "Goyo Guardian" activates as Chain Link 2. Resolving backwards, "Goyo Guardian" first Special Summons "Colossal Fighter", and then the effect of "Colossal Fighter" which Special Summons it is not applied.

If "Colossal Fighter" was sent directly from the Extra Deck to the Graveyard, then it cannot be Special Summoned by "Colossal Fighter/Assault Mode".: Effect Monster > Colossal Fighter/Assault Mode

The effect of "Colossal Fighter/Assault Mode" targets one "Colossal Fighter" in your Graveyard.

A Synchro Monster which used "Eccentric Boy" as a Synchro Material Monster cannot activate its effects and has its effects negated as long as the monster remains face-up on the field.: Is the effect of a Synchro Monster which used "Eccentric Boy" applied if "Imperial Iron Wall" is active?
Example: "Colossal Fighter" used "Eccentric Boy" as a Synchro Material Monster. If "Imperial Iron Wall" is active and that "Colossal Fighter" is destroyed by battle, then the effect of "Colossal Fighter" will activate, and the effect will not be negated.