Chthonian Alliance

  Equip / Spell
The equipped monster gains 800 ATK for each other face-up monster on the field that has the same name it does. 
CARD ID: 46910446
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YuGiOh! TCG karta: Chthonian Alliance


TCG SetSymbolRarityLowAvgTrend
Dark Revelation Volume 4 DR04-EN104 Common---
Duelist Pack: Chazz Princeton DP2-EN022 Common---
Elemental Energy EEN-EN044 Rare---
Elemental Energy EEN-EN044 Ultimate Rare---


Previously Official Rulings

monster equipped with this card does not count towards the bonus. So if you have 2 "Dark Magicians" on the field, and 1 is equipped with "Chthonian Alliance", it has +800 ATK.

Monsters on the opponent's side of the field are counted for "Chthonian Alliance".

Monsters that are treated as having the same name, like "Cyber Harpie Lady" and "Harpie Lady 3", both count as "Harpie Lady" for purposes of "Chthonian Alliance".