Blast Sphere

Machine / Effect  DARK / 4
If this face-down Defense Position card was attacked by an opponent's monster, before damage calculation: Equip this card to the attacking monster. Then, during your opponent's next Standby Phase: Destroy the monster this card is equipped to, and if you do, inflict damage to your opponent equal to the ATK the destroyed monster had on the field.
CARD ID: 26302522
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YuGiOh! TCG karta: Blast Sphere


TCG SetSymbolRarityLowAvgTrend
Battle Pack: Epic Dawn BP01-EN175 Common---
Battle Pack: Epic Dawn BP01-EN175 Starfoil Rare---
Dark Legends DLG1-EN092 Ultra Rare---
Duelist Pack: Battle City DPBC-EN042 Common---
Legendary Collection 4: Joey's World Mega Pack LCJW-EN180 Common---
Legendary Duelists: Ancient Millennium LED2-EN018 Common---
Limited Edition 1 JUMP-EN019 Ultra Rare---
Machina Mayhem Structure Deck SDMM-EN011 Common---
Retro Pack RP01-EN091 Secret Rare---
Speed Duel: Scars of Battle SBSC-EN027 Common---

Card Trivia

 This card is similar in appearance and effect to Adhesive Explosive.
This monster appears in the artwork of Heavy Metal Raiders, and several copies of this monster also appear in the artwork of BM-4 Blast Spider.
In the anime, this card has 2900 ATK, making it the strongest Level 4 monster in the game in terms of ATK (only in the anime).


TCG Rulings

Out of Date

Mentions in Other Rulings

Silver Wing: If a monster equipped with “Silver Wing” is equipped with “Blast Sphere” and would be destroyed during the Standby Phase, both “Blast Sphere” and “Silver Wing” are destroyed but the monster is not and no damage is inflicted.The latest print of "Blast Sphere" uses Problem-Solving Card Text, which makes it clear that the effect of "Blast Sphere" does not destroy itself, so if "Silver Wing" is destroyed instead of the equipped monster, "Blast Sphere" is not.

Power Tool Dragon: If “Power Tool Dragon” is equipped only with “Blast Sphere,” you cannot send “Blast Sphere” to the Graveyard to prevent “Power Tool Dragon” from being destroyed by “Blast Sphere.” If “Power Tool Dragon” is equipped with “Blast Sphere” and another Equip Spell Card, you can send the other Equip Spell Card to the Graveyard to protect “Power Tool Dragon.” In that case, “Blast Sphere” is destroyed, but no damage is inflicted for “Blast Sphere’s” effect.The latest print of "Blast Sphere" uses Problem-Solving Card Text, which makes it clear that the effect of "Blast Sphere" does not destroy itself, so "Power Tool Dragon" can send "Blast Sphere" to the Graveyard to avoid destruction by its effect. Additionally, if "Power Tool Dragon" sends another Equip Card to the Graveyard to prevent itself from being destroyed by "Blast Sphere", "Blast Sphere" is not destroyed.

OCG Rulings

When "Goblin Attack Force"/"Goblin Elite Attack Force"/"Giant Orc"/"Indomitable Fighter Lei Lei"/"Destiny Hero - Dasher"/etc attack a face-down "Blast Sphere", "Blast Sphere" will equip to the monster and Damage Calculation will be skipped. However, "Goblin Attack Force" still entered the Damage Step, so it still will be changed to Defense Position at the end of the Battle Phase.: Does "Goblin Attack Force" change to Defence Position at the end of the Battle Phase when it attacks "Blast Sphere"?

While "Power Tool Dragon" is equipped with "Blast Sphere", if it would be destroyed by the effect of "Blast Sphere", you can apply the effect of "Power Tool Dragon" and send that "Blast Sphere" to the Graveyard instead. In this case, since "Power Tool Dragon" was not destroyed, you take no damage.: While "Power Tool Dragon" is equipped with "Blast Sphere", if it would be destroyed, can you send "Blast Sphere" to the Graveyard?

If a monster attacks a face-down "Blast Sphere", then the Life Point recovery effect of "Savage Colosseum" is still applied, even though Damage Calculation is not performed because "Blast Sphere" was equipped to the attacking monster. Also, the attacking monster is not destroyed during the End Phase by the effect of "Savage Colosseum" because it attacked "Blast Sphere".: After "Savage Colosseum" was activated, if an attack is negated, then are the effect which recover Life Points and the effect which destroys the monster still applied?

Mentions in Other Rulings

Dragunity Arma Leyvaten: Suppose that your "Dragunity Arma Leyvaten" is equipped with a monster originally owned by your opponent. If "Dragunity Arma Leyvaten" is destroyed by an opponent's card effect, then you may Special Summon the equipped monster from your opponent's Graveyard.: Can you Special Summon to your side of the field an opponent's monster that is equipped to "Dragunity Arma Leyvaten"?
Example: "Dragunity Arma Leyvaten" attacks an opponent's face-down "Blast Sphere", and "Blast Sphere" is equipped to "Dragunity Arma Leyvaten". During the Standby Phase after your opponent's turn, "Dragunity Arma Leyvaten" is destroyed by the effect of "Blast Sphere", and "Blast Sphere" is sent to your opponent's Graveyard. Here, you can use the effect of "Dragunity Arma Leyvaten" to Special Summon the "Blast Sphere

Previously Official Rulings

Mentions in Other Rulings

Legendary Fiend: If "Legendary Fiend" is equipped with your opponent's "Blast Sphere", you can choose to activate "Legendary Fiend's" effect or pass to your opponent. If they decide to pass, you must activate "Legendary Fiend" effect.