Big Shield Gardna

Warrior / Effect  EARTH / 4
When a Spell Card is activated that targets this face-down card (and no other cards) (Quick Effect): Change this card to face-up Defense Position, and if you do, negate the activation. If this card is attacked, change it to Attack Position at the end of the Damage Step.
CARD ID: 65240384
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YuGiOh! TCG karta: Big Shield Gardna


TCG SetSymbolRarityLowAvgTrend
Battle Pack: Epic Dawn BP01-EN176 Common---
Battle Pack: Epic Dawn BP01-EN176 Starfoil Rare---
Battle Pack 2: War of the Giants BP02-EN032 Common---
Battle Pack 2: War of the Giants BP02-EN032 Mosaic Rare---
Champion Pack: Game One CP01-EN006 Rare---
Dark Beginning 1 DB1-EN097 Ultra Rare---
Duelist League 2010 participation cards DL09-EN004 Rare---
Duelist Pack: Yugi DPYG-EN009 Common---
Legendary Collection 3: Yugi's World Mega Pack LCYW-EN032 Secret Rare---
Legendary Decks II LDK2-ENY16 Common---
Legendary Dragon Decks LEDD-ENA12 Common---
Tournament Pack 5 TP5-EN002 Super Rare---
Yugi's Legendary Decks YGLD-ENB14 Common---

Card Trivia

 This monster has a smaller-shield version: Mid Shield Gardna.
This monster appears in the artworks of Broken Blocker, Defender's Mind, Guard Off, and Guard Change.
The Dark Beginning 1 version of this card has 'Gardna' with a 'u'. as the 2nd letter.
According to a  by Kevin Tewart, this was attributed to a lack of communication between Konami and him, since Konami thought it needed to be fixed and were in a hurry.
This card is one of the few monsters that has an effect which can be activated while it is face-down.


OCG Rulings

The "During either player's turn, when this face-down card (and no other cards) is targeted by a Spell Card: Change this card to face-up Defense Position, and if you do, negate the Spell Card's activation." effect is a Quick Effect. (This effect must be activated in chain to the activation of a Spell Card that targeted this face-down card and no other cards. It does not target.): Big Shield Gardna

This effect cannot be activated in a chain to the activation of the effect of a Spell Card. It must be chained to the activation of a Spell Card.

Changing "Big Shield Gardna" to face-up Defense Position and negating the activation of a Spell Card are considered to happen simultaneously.

The "If this card is attacked, change it to Attack Position at the end of the Damage Step." effect is a Continuous Effect

Previously Official Rulings

face-down "Big Shield Gardna" can only negate a Spell Card that targets 1 face-down monster, so it cannot negate "Riryoku", "Creature Swap" or "Dark Hole", but can negate "Nobleman of Crossout" or "Tribute to The Doomed".

"Skill Drain" only negates the effects of monsters that are face-up on the field, so a face-down "Big Shield Gardna" may still negate a Spell Card that targets it while "Skill Drain" is active on the field. It will still be flipped to face-up Defense Position, and now its effect that changes its Battle Position when it is attacked will be negated.

Judge List Rulings

If a face-down "Big Shield Gardna" is targeted by "Soul Exchange", it will negate "Soul Exchange" when it resolves.: big shield gardna vs. soul exchange

Out of Date

If "Big Shield Gardna" is targeted with a Spell Card, you may chain "Book of Moon" to flip it face-down, then it can negate the Spell Card and will flip back to face-up Defense Position.The latest errata of "Big Shield Gardna" makes it clear that its negation effect is a Quick Effect. This ruling could only be the case if it was a Continuous Effect.

If "Prickle Fairy" attacks a face-down "Big Shield Gardna" both their effects will occur at the end of the Damage Step. "Prickle Fairy" will be Step 1 and "Big Shield Gardna" Step 2. So it will change to Attack Position, and then the effect of "Prickle Fairy" will change it back to Defense Position.The latest errata of "Big Shield Gardna" makes it clear that its effect to change itself to Attack Position is a Continuous Effect. This ruling could only be the case if the effect went on a Chain.