Beckoning Light

  Normal / Trap
Discard your entire hand, then for each card you discarded to the GY by this effect, add 1 LIGHT monster from your GY to your hand. 
CARD ID: 16255442
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YuGiOh! TCG karta: Beckoning Light


TCG SetSymbolRarityLowAvgTrend
Ancient Sanctuary AST-053 Common---
Champion Pack: Game Eight CP08-EN014 Common---
Dark Revelation Volume 2 DR2-EN165 Common---
Legendary Collection 3: Yugi's World Mega Pack LCYW-EN293 Ultra Rare---
Lost Sanctuary Structure Deck SDLS-EN036 Common---
Realm of Light Structure Deck SDLI-EN033 Common---
Spirit Warriors SPWA-EN057 Super Rare---
Turbo Pack: Booster Two TU02-EN005 Super Rare---

Card Trivia

 The Sanctuary in the Sky, Petit Angel and Shining Friendship appear in this card's artwork.


OCG Rulings

You discard all cards from your hand to the Graveyard when resolving the effect. It is not a cost.: Trap Card > Beckoning Light

The effect does not target.

Mentions in Other Rulings

Dark World: If multiple "Dark World" monsters are discarded simultaneously, for example, by "Card Destruction" or "Beckoning Light", then the original owner of those "Dark World" monsters can activate their effects in a Chain, in any order that he wants.: If you discard multiple "Goldd, Wu-Lord of Dark World" (etc.) to the Graveyard simultaneously, then their effects can be activated in what order?

The Fabled Unicore: For the effect of "The Fabled Unicore", if both players have the same number of cards when the effect of a Spell Card, a Trap Card, or an Effect Monster Card is resolving, then that activated effect is negated. Suppose you control "The Fabled Unicore":: The effect of "The Fabled Unicore" can negate an opponent's card if the hand sizes are the same at what time?
If both players have five cards in their hands and afterwards the opponent activates a Normal Spell Card, then when resolving the effect of the Spell Card the opponent only has four cards in his hand and you have five, so the effect of "The Fabled Unicore" is not applied and the effect of the opponent's Spell Card is not negated.
If you have five cards in your hand and the opponent has six cards in his hand, and afterwards the opponent activates "Divine Wrath" or the effect of "Honest", then when resolving the effect of "Divine Wrath" or "Honest" both players have five cards in their hands, so the effect of "The Fabled Unicore" is applied and the effect of "Divine Wrath" or "Honest" is negated.
If you have zero cards in your hand and the opponent has five cards in his hand, and afterwards the opponent activates "Beckoning Light", then the opponent's hand size becomes zero in the middle of resolving the effect of "Beckoning Light", so the effect of "The Fabled Unicore" is not applied and the effect of "Beckoning Light

Previously Official Rulings

Discarding is not a cost.

"Beckoning Light" doesn't target.

When you resolve "Beckoning Light", first discard, then pick cards to add to your hand. So you can add cards to your hand that you discarded while resolving "Beckoning Light".

If you don't have as much LIGHT monsters in your Graveyard as there are cards in your hand, you cannot activate "Beckoning Light".

You cannot activate "Beckoning Light" if you have no cards in your hand.

If your opponent chains "Disappear" to "Beckoning Light", and there are no longer enough LIGHT monsters to retrieve as there were cards in your hand, the effect of "Beckoning Light" disappears and you don't discard your hand or add cards to your hand.