Batteryman C

Thunder / Effect  LIGHT / 2
If all "Batteryman C"(s) you control are in Attack Position, all Machine-Type monsters you control gain 500 ATK for each "Batteryman C" you control. If all "Batteryman C"(s) you control are in Defense Position, all Machine-Type monsters you control gain 500 DEF for each "Batteryman C" you control.
CARD ID: 19733961
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YuGiOh! TCG karta: Batteryman C


TCG SetSymbolRarityLowAvgTrend
Cybernetic Revolution CRV-EN030 Common-,--€-,--€-,--€
Dark Revelation Volume 4 DR04-EN030 Common-,--€-,--€-,--€

Card Trivia

 This monster appears in the artworks of Recycling Batteries, Super-Electromagnetic Voltech Dragon, and Broken Line.
As all Batterymen are Thunder-Type, this card provides no support to its own archetype; however, if used with DNA Surgery to make all monsters Machine-Type, they can receive the power boost it provides.
This Machine boosting effect may imply that Batterymen were originally going to have some synergy with Machines (whether it be in general, in archetype, or a supportive archetype), but later Batterymen dropped this idea.
The number shown on the chest of the first 3 Batteryman corresponds with the Batteryman's Level (in this case, Level 2), which also corresponds to the name for the battery type in Japanese (In this case, 単2形).


Previously Official Rulings

If you have 2 "
Batterymen C" on the field in Attack Position, each of your Machines gains +1000 ATK. If you have 3 "Batteryman C" on the field in Attack Position, each of your Machines gains +1500 ATK. (NOT +4500!!!)

A "Batteryman C" equipped to "Relinquished" is not in Attack or Defense Position so it will not be counted for the effect of "Batteryman C".

If "Batteryman C" is changed to Machine-Type, it will itself gain the ATK bonus.