
Insect / Effect  EARTH / 5
This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by sending 2 Spell or Trap Cards you control to the Graveyard. You can destroy 1 Spell or Trap Card your opponent controls. If you activate this effect, this card cannot attack during this turn.
CARD ID: 13250922
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YuGiOh! TCG karta: Anteatereatingant


TCG SetSymbolRarityLowAvgTrend
Dark Revelation Volume 4 DR04-EN142 Rare---
Shadow of Infinity SOI-EN022 Common---

Card Trivia

 The name (and lack of spacing) is a pun, as this card depicts both an anteater eating ants (anteater eating ant), and an ant that eats anteaters (anteater-eating ant).
The German name Ameisenfressender Ameisenbär is a mistranslation; the English equivalent would be Anteatinganteater. The German name should be Ameisenbärfressende Ameise.
This monster has the same design pattern on its back as Doom Dozer, Aztekipede, the Worm Warrior, Chainsaw Insect, and Saber Beetle; Aztec style lines and protruding pointed duds.


OCG Rulings

Mentions in Other Rulings

Crystal Beast: If "Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle" is in your Spell & Trap Card Zone as a Continuous Spell Card, it can be sent to the Graveyard to Special Summon "Hamon, Lord of Striking Thunder"/"Anteatereatingant

Previously Official Rulings

You can only activate this card’s effect once per turn. Even if “
Anteatereatingant” can attack multiple times because it’s equipped with “Twin Swords of Flashing Light – Tryce”, it can only give up its potential to attack once.

The effect of “Anteatereatingant” targets 1 Spell or Trap Card.

You can send a Field Spell Card to the Graveyard as part of the cost to Special Summon “Anteatereatingant”. You can also use a Monster Card treated as an Equip Card, such as a Union Monster or a monster equipRelinquished.

If you attack with “Anteatereatingant” and the attack is negated with “Negate Attack”, or a replay happens and you decide not to attack again, “Anteatereatingant” is still considered to have declared an attack. So you cannot activate its effect during Main Phase 2.

If you activate the effect of “Anteatereatingant”, then activate “Skill Drain”, “Anteatereatingant” still can’t attack that turn. (Even if “Skill Drain” was chained to the effect.)

You CAN activate the effect of “Anteatereatingant”, flip it face-down with a card effect, then Flip Summon it, and either activate its effect again or attack. This is because flipping it face-down resets its effect. (Also, if it’s temporarily removed from play, its effect will also reset.)

If the targeted Spell or Trap Card is removed from the field in a chain to this card’s effect, you still cannot use its effect again or attack that turn. If a targeted Spell Card is not destroyed because of a counter from “Magic Reflector”, you still cannot use this card’s effect again or attack that turn.

Mentions in Other Rulings

Crystal Beast: You can use a "Crystal Beast" that is being treated as a Continuous Spell Card for the cost to Special Summon "Anteatereatingant".

Out of Date

Mentions in Other Rulings

Ancient Gear Drill: “You cannot use that Spell Card this turn” means that you cannot activate it, and you cannot use it to pay a cost for Summoning “Anteatereatingant” The latest errata of "Ancient Gear Drill" only states that the Spell Card cannot be activated, not that it cannot be used.