Ancient Forest

  Field / Spell
When you activate this card, change any Defense Position monster(s) to face-up Attack Position. Flip Effects are not activated at this time. If a monster attacks, destroy it at the end of that turn's Battle Phase. 
CARD ID: 87624166
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YuGiOh! TCG karta: Ancient Forest


TCG SetSymbolRarityLowAvgTrend
Ancient Prophecy ANPR-EN048 Super Rare---


TCG Rulings

The effect to change Defense Position monsters to face-up Attack Position happens when “Ancient Forest” resolves.: Ancient Prophecy – Card Rulings (version 1.0)

If “Mystical Space Typhoon” is Chained to the activation of “Ancient Forest,” the Defense Position monsters are not changed to Attack Position because “Ancient Forest” is no longer face-up on the field.

If a player controls both “Ancient Forest” and a Gladiator Beast monster that has attacked, at the end of the Battle Phase he can choose which effect to activate and resolve first.

If “Sasuke Samurai” attacks a face-down monster and destroys it with its effect, it will still be destroyed at the end of the Battle Phase.

If a monster’s attack is negated by “Magic Cylinder” it will not be destroyed at the end of the Battle Phase

If a monster attacks and is {{sic">{{Span
Battle Phase, it will not be destroyed.

If a monster attacks while “Ancient Forest” is being negated, but before the end of the Battle Phase the effect negating “Ancient Forest” disappears, the monster that attacked will be destroyed.

If a monster attacks and is flipped face-down by “Book of Moon” it will still be destroyed.

The effect of “Ancient Forest” will only destroy a monster during the turn it attacked.

The effect to destroy monsters starts a Chain.

If you activate “Ancient Forest” with the effect of “Demise of the Land” it will not change Defense Position monsters to face-up Attack Position.

“Ancient Forest” will not change a monster to face-up Attack Position if it was not on the field in Defense Position when “Ancient Forest” was activated.

Mentions in Other Rulings

Scrap Worm: If "Scrap Worm" attacks while "Ancient Forest" is active, you resolve the turn player’s effect first and then the opponent’s. If both are controlled by the same player, they can be resolved in any order.: Storm of Ragnarok – Card Rulings (version 1.0)

OCG Rulings

If a monster battles and is then flipped face-down, then the effect of "Ancient Forest" will still destroy it at the end of the Battle Phase.: If a monster is flipped face-down after attacking, then is it destroyed by the effect of "Ancient Forest"?

The effect "if a monster attacks, it is destroyed at the end of the Battle Phase" of "Ancient Forest" activates and starts a Chain.: Does the effect of "Ancient Forest" which destroys a monster which attacked start a Chain?

When "Gladiator Beast Alexander" battles while "Ancient Forest" is active, both effects are to resolve at the end of the Battle Phase, so the Turn Player can choose to resolve his effects first. If the same player controls both "Gladiator Beast Alexander" and "Ancient Forest", then the effects resolve in the order that the player chooses.: When a "Gladiator Beast" monster battles after "Ancient Forest" was activated, does either effect resolve?

If a monster's attack is negated by an effect like "Magic Cylinder", then the monster will not be destroyed by the effect of "Ancient Forest" at the end of the Battle Phase.: Is a monster whose attack was negated destroyed by "Ancient Forest"?

The effect, "When this card is activated, if there are any Defense Position monsters on the field, then those monsters are changed to face-up Attack Position." of "Ancient Forest" is not applied at activation - it is applied when resolving the effect, after the opponent has had the chance to chain to the effect. If "Mystical Space Typhoon" is chained to the activation of "Ancient Forest", then "Ancient Forest" is not face-up on the field when its effect is resolving as Chain Link 1, so the monsters are not changed to face-up Attack Position.: At what time does the effect of "Ancient Forest" change the Battle Positions monsters to Attack Position?