Amazoness Spellcaster

  Normal / Spell
Target 1 "Amazoness" monster you control and 1 face-up monster your opponent controls; switch the original ATK of those targets until the end of this turn. 
CARD ID: 81325903
STATUS TCG: Unlimited
Powered by
YuGiOh! TCG karta: Amazoness Spellcaster


TCG SetSymbolRarityLowAvgTrend
Dark Revelation Volume 1 DR1-EN139 Common---
Legendary Collection 4: Joey's World Mega Pack LCJW-EN100 Common---
Magician's Force MFC-084 Common---
Turbo Pack: Booster Four TU04-EN018 Common---

Card Trivia

 The shaman in this card's artwork also appears in the artworks of Amazoness Shamanism and Amazoness Secret Arts.


Previously Official Rulings

Amazoness Spellcaster" targets (it targets 2 monsters), so when you activate "Amazoness Spellcaster" you select 1 face-up Amazoness on your side of the field and 1 face-up monster on your opponent's side of the field.

You can select "Gradius' Option" as the other monster, and the original ATK of the Amazoness will now be the ATK of "Gradius' Option" at the time "Amazoness Spellcaster" resolves. The ATK of "Gradius' Option" remains as the ATK of "Gradius" and does not become the ATK of the Amazoness.

If you activate "Amazoness Spellcaster", and chain "Dramatic Rescue", "Amazoness Spellcaster"s effect disappears.

If you switch ATKs with "Amazoness Spellcaster", and one of the monsters is equipped with "Megamorph", after the switch, you change the ATK of the monster that is equipped with "Megamorph" using the effect of "Megamorph". With "Shield & Sword", since these are both Normal Spell Cardaffect by "Shrink" before "Amazoness Spellcaster" resolves, the ATK values printed on the monsters will be switched, and the effect of "Shrink" effectively disappears. If a monster that has its original ATK changed by "Amazoness Spellcaster" is affected by "Shrink", its ATK will become half of the changed original ATK.

Mentions in Other Rulings

Dramatic Rescue: You can activate "Dramatic Rescue" when an Amazoness on your side of the field is targeted, such as with "Amazoness Spellcaster"

Dramatic Rescue: If you activate "Amazoness Spellcaster", and chain "Dramatic Rescue", "Amazoness Spellcaster's's" effect disappears.