Ally of Justice Core Destroyer

Machine / Effect  DARK / 3
At the start of the Damage Step, if this card battles a LIGHT monster: Destroy that monster.
CARD ID: 36629203
STATUS TCG: Unlimited
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YuGiOh! TCG karta: Ally of Justice Core Destroyer


TCG SetSymbolRarityLowAvgTrend
Speed Duel: Scars of Battle SBSC-EN036 Common---
Speed Duel Tournament Pack 2 STP2-EN011 Super Rare---
The Shining Darkness TSHD-EN037 Rare---

Card Trivia

 This card is a smaller, prototype of Ally of Justice Catastor.
Its ATK and DEF are both 1000 points lower than Catastor's.
This is the first Ally of Justice to appear in a normal booster in the OCG and also the first to be of the Normal Rare rarity.


TCG Rulings

This effect activates at the very start of the Damage Step, before face-down monsters are flipped face-up.: The Shining Darkness Sneak Peek -- Card Rulings (Version 1.0)

If "Ally of Justice Core Destroyer" battles "The Six Samurai - Zanji" that is equipped with "Spirit of the Six Samurai", the "Spirit of the Six Samurai" will be destroyed instead of Zanji and damage calculation will occur normally.

If "Ally of Justice Core Destroyer" is attacked while face-down or attacks a face-down monster, its effect will not activate.

OCG Rulings

If the effect of "Ally of Justice Core Destroyer" does not destroy the battling monster - for example, the monster is equipped with "Heavy Mech Support Platform" or "Spirit of the Six Samurai", and the Equip Card is destroyed instead - then afterwards, you still perform damage calculation.: If the effect of "Ally of Justice Core Destroyer" cannot destroy the battling monster, then do you perform damage calculation afterwards?

The effect of "Ally of Justice Core Destroyer" activates at the beginning of the Damage Step, before monsters are flipped face-up.: Effect Monster > Ally of Justice Core Destroyer: Can the effect of "Ally of Justice Core Destroyer" destroy a face-down monster?
If "Ally of Justice Core Destroyer" attacks a face-down monster, then at the beginning of the Damage Step you cannot confirm the face-down monster's Attribute, so the effect of "Ally of Justice Core Destroyer" does not activate.
If a face-down "Ally of Justice Core Destroyer" is attacked by a LIGHT monster, then "Ally of Justice Core Destroyer" is face-down when its effect would activate, so its effect to destroy the opponent's monster cannot be activated.

If the opponent's monster is face-down when the effect of "Ally of Justice Core Destroyer" would activate, then the opponent's monster cannot be destroyed by the effect of "Ally of Justice Core Destroyer".

If "Ally of Justice Core Destroyer" attacks a face-up "D.D. Warrior Lady", then "D.D. Warrior Lady" is destroyed by the effect of "Ally of Justice Core Destroyer" without performing damage calculation. Thus, the effect of "D.D. Warrior Lady" which activates after damage calculation cannot be activated.: If "Ally of Justice Core Destroyer" and "D.D. Warrior Lady" battle, then can "D.D. Warrior Lady" remove from play?

See Also
Card Rulings:Ally of Justice Catastor