Adhesion Trap Hole

  Normal / Trap
When your opponent Summons a monster(s): Halve that monster(s)'s original ATK. 
CARD ID: 62325062
STATUS TCG: Unlimited
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YuGiOh! TCG karta: Adhesion Trap Hole


TCG SetSymbolRarityLowAvgTrend
Dark Revelation Volume 1 DR1-EN105 Common---
Duel Terminal 1 DT01-EN098 Duel Terminal Normal Parallel ---
Legendary Collection 4: Joey's World Mega Pack LCJW-EN274 Common---
Magician's Force MFC-050 Common---
Speed Duel Starter Decks: Ultimate Predators SS03-ENB28 Common---
Speed Duel Tournament Pack 2 STP2-EN018 Super Rare---
War of the Giants: Round 2 BPW2-EN083 Super Rare---
War of the Giants Reinforcements WGRT-EN083 Super Rare---

Card Trivia

 This card is the first Trap Hole Trap Card that doesn't destroy/banish any monster. The second is Floodgate Trap Hole.
The stickiness/adhesion part of the artwork thematically represents the monster being slowed down and weakened by this card (hence halving its ATK).
The Goblin that appears in the artwork of this card is the same that appears on Bottomless Trap Hole, D.D. Trap Hole, Giant Trap Hole and Treacherous Trap Hole.


OCG Rulings

This effect does not target.: Adhesion Trap Hole

The monster's original ATK is halved at resolution

Previously Official Rulings

Adhesion Trap Hole" works against "a monster or monsters", so "Adhesion Trap Hole" does NOT target.

When "Cyber Jar" is activated, you may use "Adhesion Trap Hole" against all monsters your opponent Special Summons in face-up Attack Position, but "Adhesion Trap Hole" has no effect on any monsters your opponent Special Summons face-down.

"Adhesion Trap Hole" cannot affect monsters Special Summoned face-down with "The Shallow Grave", "Morphing Jar #2", etc.

If a monster affected by "Adhesion Trap Hole" is flipped face-down (with "Book of Moon", etc.), "Adhesion Trap Hole"s effect disappears and the monster's ATK is back to normal.

"Adhesion Trap Hole" halves the original ATK, so if you activate another effect that alters ATK, halve the original ATK first and then resolve the other ATK-modifying effect.

If a monster affected by "Adhesion Trap Hole" is then equipped with "Megamorph", only "Megamorph"s effect applies.

Mentions in Other Rulings

Dramatic Rescue: You can activate "Dramatic Rescue" when an Amazoness on your side of the field is targeted, such as with any Equip Spell Cardbut not when cards like"Adhesion Trap Hole"are used.

Spirit Reaper: Examples of cards that will not destroy "Spirit Reaper" because they do not target: "Adhesion Trap Hole"