TDIL-EN000 | Magical Something | Rare | | | | |
TDIL-EN001 | Performapal Bot-Eyes Lizard | Common | | | | |
TDIL-EN002 | Performapal Gongato | Common | | | | |
TDIL-EN003 | Performapal Extra Slinger | Common | | | | |
TDIL-EN004 | Performapal Inflater Tapir | Common | | | | |
TDIL-EN005 | Performapal Gumgumouton | Rare | | | | |
TDIL-EN006 | Performapal Bubblebowwow | Common | | | | |
TDIL-EN007 | Performapal Radish Horse | Common | | | | |
TDIL-EN008 | Performapal Life Swordsman | Common | | | | |
TDIL-EN009 | Acrobatic Magician | Rare | | | | |
TDIL-EN010 | D/D Savant Thomas | Rare | | | | |
TDIL-EN011 | D/D Savant Nikola | Common | | | | |
TDIL-EN012 | Blackwing - Tornado the Reverse Wind | Common | | | | |
TDIL-EN013 | Blackwing - Gofu the Vague Shadow | Common | | | | |
TDIL-EN014 | Red Warg | Common | | | | |
TDIL-EN015 | Red Gardna | Common | | | | |
TDIL-EN016 | Red Mirror | Common | | | | |
TDIL-EN017 | Magician of Dark Illusion | Super Rare | | | | |
TDIL-EN018 | Magician's Robe | Common | | | | |
TDIL-EN019 | Magician's Rod | Super Rare | | | | |
TDIL-EN020 | Master Peace, the True Dracoslayer | Ultra Rare | | | | |
TDIL-EN021 | Metalfoes Steelen | Common | | | | |
TDIL-EN022 | Metalfoes Silverd | Common | | | | |
TDIL-EN023 | Metalfoes Goldriver | Rare | | | | |
TDIL-EN024 | Metalfoes Volflame | Rare | | | | |
TDIL-EN025 | True King Agnimazud, the Vanisher | Ultra Rare | | | | |
TDIL-EN026 | Dinomist Ankylos | Common | | | | |
TDIL-EN027 | Triamid Dancer | Common | | | | |
TDIL-EN028 | Triamid Hunter | Rare | | | | |
TDIL-EN029 | Triamid Master | Rare | | | | |
TDIL-EN030 | Triamid Sphinx | Super Rare | | | | |
TDIL-EN031 | Shiranui Solitaire | Ultra Rare | | | | |
TDIL-EN032 | Toon Dark Magician | Super Rare | | | | |
TDIL-EN033 | Scapeghost | Common | | | | |
TDIL-EN034 | Block Dragon | Ultra Rare | | | | |
TDIL-EN035 | Amaterasu | Super Rare | | | | |
TDIL-EN036 | Black Dragon Ninja | Common | | | | |
TDIL-EN037 | Spell Strider | Super Rare | | | | |
TDIL-EN038 | Zap Mustung | Common | | | | |
TDIL-EN039 | Totem Five | Common | | | | |
TDIL-EN040 | Tuning Gum | Rare | | | | |
TDIL-EN041 | Wrecker Panda | Short Print | | | | |
TDIL-EN042 | Fairy Tail - Snow | Short Print | | | | |
TDIL-EN043 | Metalfoes Adamante | Rare | | | | |
TDIL-EN044 | Metalfoes Orichalc | Common | | | | |
TDIL-EN045 | Metalfoes Crimsonite | Rare | | | | |
TDIL-EN046 | Nirvana High Paladin | Secret Rare | | | | |
TDIL-EN047 | Assault Blackwing - Sayo the Rain Hider | Rare | | | | |
TDIL-EN048 | Assault Blackwing - Sohaya the Rain Storm | Common | | | | |
TDIL-EN049 | Assault Blackwing - Onimaru the Divine Thunder | Super Rare | | | | |
TDIL-EN050 | Tyrant Red Dragon Archfiend | Ultra Rare | | | | |
TDIL-EN051 | Coral Dragon | Secret Rare | | | | |
TDIL-EN052 | Ebon High Magician | Super Rare | | | | |
TDIL-EN053 | Super Hippo Carnival | Common | | | | |
TDIL-EN054 | Luna Light Perfume | Super Rare | | | | |
TDIL-EN055 | Frightfur Sanctuary | Common | | | | |
TDIL-EN056 | Forbidden Dark Contract with the Swamp King | Common | | | | |
TDIL-EN057 | Dark Magical Circle | Secret Rare | | | | |
TDIL-EN058 | Illusion Magic | Rare | | | | |
TDIL-EN059 | Dark Magic Expanded | Common | | | | |
TDIL-EN060 | Metamorformation | Super Rare | | | | |
TDIL-EN061 | Metalfoes Fusion | Super Rare | | | | |
TDIL-EN062 | Triamid Fortress | Common | | | | |
TDIL-EN063 | Triamid Cruiser | Rare | | | | |
TDIL-EN064 | Triamid Kingolem | Rare | | | | |
TDIL-EN065 | Cosmic Cyclone | Secret Rare | | | | |
TDIL-EN066 | Pot of Desires | Secret Rare | | | | |
TDIL-EN067 | Magical Mid-Breaker Field | Common | | | | |
TDIL-EN068 | Card of the Soul | Short Print | | | | |
TDIL-EN069 | Fusion Fright Waltz | Common | | | | |
TDIL-EN070 | King Scarlet | Common | | | | |
TDIL-EN071 | Magician Navigation | Secret Rare | | | | |
TDIL-EN072 | Metalfoes Counter | Common | | | | |
TDIL-EN073 | Metalfoes Combination | Super Rare | | | | |
TDIL-EN074 | Triamid Pulse | Rare | | | | |
TDIL-EN075 | Destruction Sword Memories | Common | | | | |
TDIL-EN076 | Floodgate Trap Hole | Ultra Rare | | | | |
TDIL-EN077 | Premature Return | Ultra Rare | | | | |
TDIL-EN078 | Unified Front | Short Print | | | | |
TDIL-EN079 | Pendulum Hole | Common | | | | |
TDIL-EN080 | The Forceful Checkpoint | Secret Rare | | | | |
TDIL-EN081 | Ninjitsu Art Notebook | Common | | | | |
TDIL-EN082 | Subterror Nemesis Warrior | Rare | | | | |
TDIL-EN083 | Subterror Behemoth Umastryx | Ultra Rare | | | | |
TDIL-EN084 | Subterror Behemoth Stalagmo | Ultra Rare | | | | |
TDIL-EN085 | The Hidden City | Secret Rare | | | | |
TDIL-EN086 | SPYRAL Super Agent | Ultra Rare | | | | |
TDIL-EN087 | SPYRAL Quik-Fix | Rare | | | | |
TDIL-EN088 | SPYRAL GEAR - Drone | Rare | | | | |
TDIL-EN089 | SPYRAL GEAR - Big Red | Rare | | | | |
TDIL-EN090 | Heavy Freight Train Derricrane | Common | | | | |
TDIL-EN091 | Number 81: Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Super Dora | Super Rare | | | | |
TDIL-EN092 | Revolving Switchyard | Common | | | | |
TDIL-EN093 | Dragodies, the Empowered Warrior | Common | | | | |
TDIL-EN094 | Empowerment | Common | | | | |
TDIL-EN095 | Paleozoic Olenoides | Common | | | | |
TDIL-EN096 | Paleozoic Hallucigenia | Common | | | | |
TDIL-EN097 | Paleozoic Canadia | Common | | | | |
TDIL-EN098 | Paleozoic Pikaia | Common | | | | |
TDIL-EN099 | Paleozoic Anomalocaris | Super Rare | | | | |