OP10-EN001 | Thunder Dragon Colossus | Ultimate Rare | | | | |
OP10-EN002 | Sky Striker Ace - Hayate | Ultimate Rare | | | | |
OP10-EN003 | Galatea, the Orcust Automaton | Ultimate Rare | | | | |
OP10-EN004 | Breaker the Dark Magical Warrior | Super Rare | | | | |
OP10-EN005 | Batteryman Solar | Super Rare | | | | |
OP10-EN006 | Salamangreat Mole | Super Rare | | | | |
OP10-EN007 | Jizukiru, the Star Destroying Kaiju | Super Rare | | | | |
OP10-EN008 | Shiranui Sunsaga | Super Rare | | | | |
OP10-EN009 | Salamangreat Sunlight Wolf | Super Rare | | | | |
OP10-EN010 | Hiita the Fire Charmer, Ablaze | Super Rare | | | | |
OP10-EN011 | Revolving Switchyard | Super Rare | | | | |
OP10-EN012 | Orcustrated Babel | Super Rare | | | | |
OP10-EN013 | Breaker the Magical Warrior | Common | | | | |
OP10-EN014 | Assault Beast | Common | | | | |
OP10-EN015 | Stardust Dragon/Assault Mode | Common | | | | |
OP10-EN016 | Super Quantum Red Layer | Common | | | | |
OP10-EN017 | Explosive Magician | Common | | | | |
OP10-EN018 | T.G. Hyper Librarian | Common | | | | |
OP10-EN019 | Number 81: Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Super Dora | Common | | | | |
OP10-EN020 | Super Quantal Mech Beast Magnaliger | Common | | | | |
OP10-EN021 | My Body as a Shield | Common | | | | |
OP10-EN022 | Dragon's Mirror | Common | | | | |
OP10-EN023 | Super Quantal Mech Ship Magnacarrier | Common | | | | |
OP10-EN024 | Mythical Bestiary | Common | | | | |
OP10-EN025 | Assault Mode Activate | Common | | | | |