Flaming Eternity

Kod Karta Rarity CM Low [€] CM Avg [€] CM Trend [€]
FET-EN001Space MamboCommon
FET-EN002Divine Dragon RagnarokCommon
FET-EN003Chu-Ske the Mouse FighterCommon
FET-EN004Insect KnightCommon
FET-EN005Sacred Phoenix of NephthysUltimate Rare
FET-EN005Sacred Phoenix of NephthysUltra Rare
FET-EN006Hand of NephthysCommon
FET-EN007Ultimate Insect LV5Ultimate Rare
FET-EN007Ultimate Insect LV5Rare
FET-EN008Silent Swordsman LV5Ultimate Rare
FET-EN008Silent Swordsman LV5Ultra Rare
FET-EN009Granmarg the Rock MonarchSuper Rare
FET-EN009Granmarg the Rock MonarchUltimate Rare
FET-EN010Element ValkyrieCommon
FET-EN011Element DoomCommon
FET-EN012Maji-Gire PandaCommon
FET-EN013Catnipped KittyCommon
FET-EN014Behemoth the King of All AnimalsSuper Rare
FET-EN014Behemoth the King of All AnimalsUltimate Rare
FET-EN015Big-Tusked MammothRare
FET-EN015Big-Tusked MammothUltimate Rare
FET-EN016Kangaroo ChampCommon
FET-EN018Blade RabbitCommon
FET-EN019Mecha-Dog MarronCommon
FET-EN020Blast MagicianUltimate Rare
FET-EN020Blast MagicianSuper Rare
FET-EN021Chiron the MageUltimate Rare
FET-EN021Chiron the MageRare
FET-EN022Gearfried the SwordmasterUltra Rare
FET-EN022Gearfried the SwordmasterUltimate Rare
FET-EN023Armed Samurai - Ben KeiCommon
FET-EN024ShadowslayerUltimate Rare
FET-EN025Golem SentryCommon
FET-EN026Abare UshioniCommon
FET-EN027The Light - Hex-Sealed FusionCommon
FET-EN028The Dark - Hex-Sealed FusionCommon
FET-EN029The Earth - Hex-Sealed FusionCommon
FET-EN030Whirlwind ProdigyCommon
FET-EN031Flame RulerCommon
FET-EN033Rescue CatCommon
FET-EN034Brain JackerRare
FET-EN034Brain JackerUltimate Rare
FET-EN035Gatling DragonUltimate Rare
FET-EN035Gatling DragonUltra Rare
FET-EN036King DragunSuper Rare
FET-EN036King DragunUltimate Rare
FET-EN037A Feather of the PhoenixSuper Rare
FET-EN037A Feather of the PhoenixUltimate Rare
FET-EN038Poison FangsCommon
FET-EN039Spell AbsorptionRare
FET-EN039Spell AbsorptionUltimate Rare
FET-EN040Lightning VortexSuper Rare
FET-EN040Lightning VortexUltimate Rare
FET-EN041Meteor of DestructionRare
FET-EN041Meteor of DestructionUltimate Rare
FET-EN042Swords of Concealing LightRare
FET-EN042Swords of Concealing LightUltimate Rare
FET-EN043Spiral Spear StrikeRare
FET-EN043Spiral Spear StrikeUltimate Rare
FET-EN044Release RestraintCommon
FET-EN045Centrifugal FieldCommon
FET-EN046Fulfillment of the ContractCommon
FET-EN048The Big March of AnimalsCommon
FET-EN049Cross CounterRare
FET-EN049Cross CounterUltimate Rare
FET-EN050Pole PositionCommon
FET-EN051Penalty Game!Rare
FET-EN051Penalty Game!Ultimate Rare
FET-EN052Threatening RoarCommon
FET-EN053Phoenix Wing Wind BlastRare
FET-EN053Phoenix Wing Wind BlastUltimate Rare
FET-EN054Good Goblin HousekeepingCommon
FET-EN055Beast Soul SwapCommon
FET-EN056Assault on GHQRare
FET-EN056Assault on GHQUltimate Rare
FET-EN057D.D. DynamiteCommon
FET-EN058Deck Devastation VirusUltimate Rare
FET-EN058Deck Devastation VirusSuper Rare
FET-EN059Elemental BurstCommon
FET-EN060Forced CeasefireRare
FET-EN060Forced CeasefireUltimate Rare