
Dragon  LIGHT / 6
''Capable of indefinite flight. Attacks by wrapping its body with electricity and ramming into opponents.
IMPORTANT: Capturing the "Wattaildragon" is forbidden by the Ancient Rules and is a Level 6 offense, the minimum sentence for which is imprisonment for no less than 2500 heliocycles.''

CARD ID: 87151205
STATUS TCG: Unlimited
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YuGiOh! TCG karta: Wattaildragon


TCG SetSymbolRarityLowAvgTrend
Galactic Overlord GAOV-EN001 Common-,--€-,--€-,--€
Starter Deck: Kaiba Reloaded YSKR-EN012 Common-,--€-,--€-,--€
Super Starter: Space-Time Showdown YS14-EN001 Common-,--€-,--€-,--€

Card Trivia

 This monster's Japanese name's based on the word erekiteru which gave rise to the short form ereki (electric; electricity) that is the basis for the Japanese names of the Watt archetype. The teru part of that word sounds close to tēru (tail), which alludes to the electric tail that this one has.
This monster appears in the artwork of Ancient Rules, which is referenced in this card's flavor text.
Its Level and its ATK are also referenced in this card's flavor text.
As Ancient Rules was released nearly six years prior to this card, Wattaildragon is one of the only Monsters in the game to debut on a Spell or Trap, then only later become a Monster. It shares this distinction with Warrior of Zera who first appeared in Zera Ritual, Phantom Gryphon who first appeared in Gryphon Wing, and Lo, the Prayers of the Voiceless Voice who first appeared in Novox's Prayer.
The art and flavor text of Waittaildragon are similar to DRUMP, a 2013 one-shot manga by Kazuki Takahashi about a blue dragon imprisoned inside a deck of magical playing cards for thousands of years.
This monster is the first Watt monster that isn't a Thunder-type monster, the second Watt Normal Monster (after Wattkid), and the strongest Watt monster in terms of ATK.
The warning in this card's text about capturing it being a Level 6 offense punishable by imprisonment for 2500 heliocycles at minimum may reference this card being a Level 6, 2500 ATK monster.