Vanity's Call

  Counter / Trap
Activate only as Chain Link 4 or higher. Pay half your Life Points. Negate the activation and effects of all other cards in the same Chain, and destroy them. 
CARD ID: 24838456
STATUS TCG: Unlimited
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YuGiOh! TCG karta: Vanitys Call


TCG SetSymbolRarityLowAvgTrend
Cyberdark Impact CDIP-EN059 Common-,--€-,--€-,--€

Card Trivia

 This is the only Vanity's card that doesn't directly hinder Special Summons.
It is also the only Counter Trap Card in the Vanity's series.


OCG Rulings

When "Vanity's Call" allows you to Special Summon "Van'Dalgyon the Dark Dragon Lord", if "Vanity's Call" negated multiple card types, then all the appropriate effects of "Van'Dalgyon the Dark Dragon Lord" activate and form a Chain.: When "Vanity's Call" negates multiple card types, which effect(s) of "Van'Dalgyon the Dark Dragon Lord" can be activated?
Example: The following Chain occurs: Chain 1: Monster Effect → Chain 2: Spell Card → Chain 3: Trap Card → Chain 4: "Vanity's Call". After resolving the Chain, "Van'Dalgyon the Dark Dragon Lord" is Special Summoned. Then, the controller chooses in what order the effects activate. Three cards were negated, so "Van'Dalgyon the Dark Dragon Lord" actiates three times and forms a Chain with itself.This card's latest errata states that its "●" effects are consider one effect placed in single Chain link, this makes this ruling "invalid".

If "Vanity's Call" negates three Trap Cards and you Special Summon "Van'Dalgyon the Dark Dragon Lord", then the effect of "Van'Dalgyon the Dark Dragon Lord" will only activate once (and destroy a total of one card).

If your opponent controls "Splendid Venus", he cannot activate "Vanity's Call" if it would negate the activation of and destroy a card your opponent controls. This is because "Splendid Venus

Previously Official Rulings

Unless the
activation of a card can be negated, the effect will not be negated either. So an effect like "Stumbling" on a chain will not be negated nor destroyed by "Vanity's Call".

Mentions in Other Rulings

Iris, the Earth Mother: The effect of "Iris, the Earth Mother" will still activate even if some steps of the chain have their activation negated. (Or even if "Vanity's Call" negates all Links in the chain.)

Lightning Punisher: The effect of "Lightning Punisher" will still activate even if some steps of the chain have their activation negated. (Or even if "Vanity's Call" negates all links in the chain.)

Van'Dalgyon the Dark Dragon Lord:" If your "Vanity's Call" negates multiple card effects controlled by your opponent, when you Special Summon "Van'Dalgyon the Dark Dragon Lord" you will activate each effect appropriate effect. Each effect activated will be added to the Chain, in the order you choose.
Example: "Vanity's Call" negates your opponent's "Destiny Draw" and "Seven Tools of the Bandit". When you Special Summon "Van'Dalgyon the Dark Dragon Lord" you will activate its "inflict 1500 damage" and "destroy 1 card" effects. You can choose to have "inflict 1500 damage" be Chain Link 1 and "destroy 1 card" be Chain Link 2, or vice-versa.

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