Synchro Fusionist

Spellcaster / Effect  DARK / 2
If this card is sent to the Graveyard as a Synchro Material Monster, you can add 1 Spell Card from your Deck to your hand with "Polymerization" or "Fusion" in the card name, except "Diffusion Wave-Motion".
CARD ID: 15839054
STATUS TCG: Unlimited
Powered by
YuGiOh! TCG karta: Synchro Fusionist


TCG SetSymbolRarityLowAvgTrend
Duelist Revolution DREV-EN035 Rare-,--€-,--€-,--€

Card Trivia

 This is the monster version of the fiend-like creature that appears in:
Instant Fusion
Fusion Recovery
Revoke Fusion
Double Fusion
Anti-Fusion Device
Future Vision
Fusion Reserve
Fusion Substitute
The background of this card resembles Polymerization, with the swirling appearance of a Fusion Summon. It also features the green rings and Level stars associated with a Synchro Summon, thus reflecting its connection to both Fusion and Synchro Summons.
The Italian version of this card gives Molten Destruction as an exception, since it's translated as Distro-Fusione in Italian. This is because Diffusion Wave-Motion cannot be selected at all by this version, as it is translated as Esplosione a onde soniche".


TCG Rulings

This effect activates when the Synchro Summon

Judge Program Forum Rulings

{{RulingFlagged">TCGJudgeProgram =
Synchro Fusionist" will not miss the timing if it is used to Synchro Summon a Synchro Monster with a Trigger Effect.: Missed timing? Synchro Fussionist

OCG Rulings

The effect of "Synchro Fusionist" is a Trigger Effect that activates from the Graveyard.: Synchro Fusionist

This is an optional effect that can be activated when "Synchro Fusionist" is used as a Synchro Material for a Synchro Summon. (It cannot be activated if the Synchro Summon is negated.)

If "Synchro Fusionist" is used as a Synchro Material for a Synchro Summon as Chain Link 2 or higher by the effect of "Urgent Tuning", the effect of "Synchro Fusionist" can be activated after the current Chain resolves.

This effect does not target.