Storm Caller

Psychic / Effect  WIND / 6
You can put your opponent's monsters that are destroyed by battle with other Psychic-Type monsters on top of their owner's Deck instead of sending them to the Graveyard. When this card is destroyed by a card effect, this card's controller takes damage equal to its original ATK.
CARD ID: 15935204
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YuGiOh! TCG karta: Storm Caller


TCG SetSymbolRarityLowAvgTrend
Crossroads of Chaos CSOC-EN022 Rare-,--€-,--€-,--€


TCG Rulings

Mentions in Other Rulings

G.B. Hunter: If “G.B. Hunter” is active, the first effect of “Storm Caller

Previously Official Rulings

Storm Caller's" second effect only activates when it is destroyed while on the field. If it is destroyed while face-down, its second effect activates.

If a Psychic-Type monster destroys your opponent's "Dark Magician of Chaos" by battle, you cannot return it to the top of your opponent's Deck.

If a Psychic-Type monster destroys your opponent's monster by battle while "Macro Cosmos" or "Dimensional Fissure" is active, you can return the destroyed monster to the top of your opponent's Deck. If you do not, the monster is removed from play.

If a Psychic-Type monsters destroys your opponent's "Crystal Beast" monster, you can return it to the top of your opponent's Deck. If you do not, the "Crystal Beast" monster can be placed into its controller's Spell and Trap Card Zone.

If a Psychic-Type monster destroys your monster that is controlled by your opponent, you cannot place it on top of your Deck.

You decide if you place your opponent's destroyed monster on top of their Deck at the end of the Damage Step, when monsters destroyed by battle are sent to the Graveyard.

If a Psychic-Type monster destroys your opponent's "Apprentice Magician" by battle, if you return it to the top of your opponent's Deck its effect does not activate.