Good Goblin Housekeeping

  Normal / Trap
Draw cards equal to the number of "Good Goblin Housekeeping" cards in your Graveyard +1, then select 1 card from your hand and return it to the bottom of your Deck. 
CARD ID: 09744376
STATUS TCG: Unlimited
Powered by
YuGiOh! TCG karta: Good Goblin Housekeeping


TCG SetSymbolRarityLowAvgTrend
Dark Revelation Volume 3 DR3-EN174 Common-,--€-,--€-,--€
Flaming Eternity FET-EN054 Common-,--€-,--€-,--€

Card Trivia

 This card's artwork depicts the Goblin of Greed using Fatal Abacus and Spell Economics, and relates to an overarching story told through a number of other cards:
Upstart Goblin
Goblin Thief
Jar Robber
Bubble Crash
Goblin Out of the Frying Pan
Heavy Slump
Second Coin Toss
Dark Factory of Mass Production
Dark Scorpion Combination
Peeping Goblin
This card has two counterparts: Numinous Healer and Attack and Receive.
The Spanish FET print of this card had a typo in its lore, as the word devuélvela (return it) had no diacritical mark.


OCG Rulings

This card cannot be activated during the Damage Step.: Good Goblin Housekeeping

This card does not target.

This card can be activated even if you have no copies of "Good Goblin Housekeeping" in your Graveyard

Drawing and placing 1 card from your hand on the bottom of the Deck are not considered to happen simultaneously.

Previously Official Rulings

The number of "
Good Goblin Housekeeping" cards referred to by the effect is counted at resolution of this effect. So, if you have no copies of "Good Goblin Housekeeping" in your Graveyard, and you activate "Good Goblin Housekeeping" and chain "Emergency Provisions" to send it to the Graveyard, you would draw 2 cards.

You can activate this card when you have no copies of "Good Goblin Housekeeping" in your Graveyard. You will draw 1 card in this case, then return 1 card from your hand to the bottom of your Deck.

Mentions in Other Rulings

Deck Devastation Virus: If "Deck Devastation Virus" is active and you activate "Graceful Charity", first draw 3 cards, then discard 2 cards for the effect of "Graceful Charity", then, if any of the monsters you drew with "Graceful Charity" are still in your hand and they have ATK 1500 or less, they are destroyed. Similarly, if you activate "Good Goblin Housekeeping", return the 1 card to the bottom of your deck, and then destroy any monsters in your hand with ATK 1500 or less.