Giant Kozaky

Fiend / Effect  DARK / 4
If there is no face-up "Kozaky" on the field, destroy this card. If this face-up card is destroyed, inflict damage equal to the original ATK of this card to its current controller.
CARD ID: 58185394
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YuGiOh! TCG karta: Giant Kozaky


TCG SetSymbolRarityLowAvgTrend
Cybernetic Revolution CRV-EN022 Common-,--€-,--€-,--€
Dark Revelation Volume 4 DR04-EN022 Common-,--€-,--€-,--€

Card Trivia

 This card has the highest original printed ATK of any Main Deck Level 4 monster in the OCG/TCG.
Kozaky appears in this card's artwork. Its effect is a reference to how Kozaky is needed to control the Monster.
In his respective storyline, this card's strength is said to rival an Archfiend's.
In the game Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's World Championship 2009: Stardust Accelerator, this card exists, but Kozaky does not.
In DS games such as Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's World Championship 2010: Reverse of Arcadia, this monster is shown to be a tank-like machine.
This monster has the number 539 on the side of its head. This is a pun, as the number can be read in Japanese as Go-San-Kyuu, which sounds similar to Kozaky.


OCG Rulings

The effect which destroys it does not start a Chain.: Effect Monster > Giant Kozaky

If "Kozaky" is flipped face-down in the middle of a chain, "Giant Kozaky" is immediately destroyed.

If your opponent controls your copy of "Giant Kozaky", then when "Giant Kozaky" is destroyed and sent to your Graveyard, the effect of "Giant Kozaky" will activate and inflict damage to your opponent since your opponent controlled "Giant Kozaky

Previously Official Rulings

The first part of "
Giant Kozaky" is a Continuous Effect that does not start a chain. The second part is a Trigger Effect that can be chained to.

You can chain "Barrel Behind the Door" to the Trigger Effect (the damage) of "Giant Kozaky".

If "Giant Kozaky" is destroyed while face-down, then its effect that inflicts damage is not activated. If "Giant Kozaky" is face-up on the field and is targeted by "Tribute to The Doomed", and you chain "Book of Moon" so that "Giant Kozaky" is face-down when destroyed by "Tribute to The Doomed", there is no damage.

Like "Atomic Firefly", "Fox Fire", and "Poison Draw Frog", if a face-down "Giant Kozaky" is attacked and destroyed, its effect is not applied. However, if a face-down "Giant Kozaky" is attacked, and is not destroyed by the attack, if "Kozaky" is not face-up on the field, then "Giant Kozaky" is destroyed by its own effect after Damage Calculation, and damage is inflicted by its effect.

If "Drillroid" attacks a face-down "Giant Kozaky" while "Kozaky" is not on the field, "Giant Kozaky" is destroyed by the effect of "Drillroid" after being flipped face-up. The effect of "Giant Kozaky" is not applied and it does not inflict damage.

The effect of "Giant Kozaky" that inflicts damage to the controller activates in the Graveyard or the "Banished Zone", wherever "Giant Kozaky" goes to after being destroyed. "The End of Anubis" will negate the effect of "Giant Kozaky" if it was destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, but "Banisher of the Light" will not (because "Giant Kozaky" does not have to be "destroyed and sent to the Graveyard"). Nor will "Skill Drain" negate the damage if "Giant Kozaky" is destroyed.

If "Giant Kozaky" is face-up on the field with "Kozaky", and "Kozaky" is equipped to "Relinquished", "Giant Kozaky" is not destroyed because a card called "Kozaky" is on the field.

If "Giant Kozaky" is equipped to "Relinquished" as an Equip Spell Card, "Giant Kozaky" will not be destroyed by its effect because it's not a monster (even if "Kozaky" is not on the field).

If "Giant Kozaky" is equipped to "Relinquished" and is destroyed by "Mystical Space Typhoon" or the effect of "Relinquished", the effect of "Giant Kozaky" will inflict damage to the controller.