Double Snare

  Normal / Spell
Destroy 1 face-up card on the field that has an effect that negates Trap Cards' effects. 
CARD ID: 03682106
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YuGiOh! TCG karta: Double Snare


TCG SetSymbolRarityLowAvgTrend
Dark Beginning 2 DB2-EN136 Common-,--€-,--€-,--€
Legacy of Darkness LOD-015 Common-,--€-,--€-,--€
Legacy of Darkness LOD-EN015 Common-,--€-,--€-,--€

Card Trivia

 In all the appearances of this card in the anime, it has never been played, only discarded or seen in a duelist's hand.
There is a Trap Card with a similar name, albeit a completely different effect: Snare.


OCG Rulings

A face-up "The Dragon's Bead", "Tyrant Dragon", "Fiend Skull Dragon", "Jinzo", "Royal Decree", "Sorcerer of Dark Magic", etc. can be destroyed by the effect of "Double Snare". Also, "Ryu Senshi" can be targeted by the effect of "Double Snare". However, "Double Snare" will be negated by the effect of "Ryu Senshi" that negates the effects of Spell Cards. Furthermore, "Double Snare" can only destroy face-upPlease ellaborate on what does the text of "Double Snare" mean when it asks for a card "that has an effect that negates Trap Cards" effects". Also, can face-down cards be destroyed by this effect?

Previously Official Rulings

You can
destroy "Jinzo", "Royal Decree", "Tyrant Dragon", "Sorcerer of Dark Magic", "Fiend Skull Dragon", and "The Dragon’s Bead" with this card’s effect.

You cannot destroy "Ryu Senshi" because of its effect that prevents it from being targeted by a Spell Card.

You cannot destroy "Reaper of the Cards" or "Trap Master" because they do not negate Trap Cards, they destroy Trap Cards.

You can only destroy face-up cards with the effect of "Double Snare". The opponent may chain "Book of Moon" to your "Double Snare" to flip his / her monster face-down, and it will not be destroyed.

Mentions in Other Rulings

Fushioh Richie: When your opponent uses "Double Snare" on "Fushioh Richie", "Double Snare" is negated and destroyed.

Great Dezard: If your opponent uses "Double Snare" against "Great Dezard" after "Great Dezard" has achieved his first effect, "Double Snare" is negated and destroyed.