Darkness Neosphere

Fiend / Effect  DARK / 10
This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by sending 1 Fiend-Type monster you control and 1 Fiend-Type monster from your hand to the Graveyard when your opponent's monster declares an attack. This card cannot be destroyed by battle. Once per turn, you can return all face-up Trap Cards you control to the hand.
CARD ID: 60417395
STATUS TCG: Unlimited
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YuGiOh! TCG karta: Darkness Neosphere


TCG SetSymbolRarityLowAvgTrend
Shonen Jump Vol. 7, Issue 11 promotional card JUMP-EN036 Ultra Rare-,--€-,--€-,--€
Turbo Pack: Booster Five TU05-EN016 Common-,--€-,--€-,--€

Card Trivia

 Neosphere can be translated as new orb or something similar from Greek. This is likely a reference to Nightshroud's desire to fold the entire world into his own.
This card is considered a Neos card due to it's naming. However, this might not be a mistake since the background of this card appears to be Neo Space. Ironically, this card was used by Nightshroud against Jaden Yuki, who uses the Neos archetype. Another piece of irony is that in the OCG/TCG, this card can be used as a Fusion Material for Elemental HERO Divine Neos, the monster that defeated it in the anime.
An alternative translation of ネオスフィア can be Neos Fear.
This monster's left claw and wing could be a reference to the myth of the left side of a person's body being considered evil, as being left handed was frowned upon during medieval period.
This monster may be a corrupt version of Themis, Greek goddess of justice. According to the Greek legend, Themis was blindfolded in order to be just. Like Themis, both in the card's artwork and in the anime this monster has her normal eyes blindfolded. However, being a corrupt version of Themis, more eyes appear from her body, seemingly mocking the idea of justice.
This can be further supported by the fact that before their Duel began, Nightshroud promised Jaden that he will be judged. This card being Nightshroud's ace monster could be what Nightshroud was referring to.
This card's OCG/TCG summoning requirement refers to the use of Darkness Raincrow's effect to send itself from the hand and Darkness Bramble on the controller's field to Special Summon this card in the anime; however, this card can only be Special Summoned from the hand in the OCG/TCG, and would also be incompatible with Darkness Bramble since it is a Plant monster in the anime.


OCG Rulings

"Darkness Neosphere" is a Special Summon monster.: Effect Monster > Darkness Neosphere

Sending a total of two monsters from your hand and Field to the Graveyard is a cost to activate the effect of "Darkness Neosphere" which Special Summons it.

The effect of "Darkness Neosphere" which Special Summons it from the hand activates when an opponent's monster declares an attack.

"Darkness Neosphere" has "Neos" in its name, so it may be used as a Fusion Material Monster for "Elemental Hero Divine Neos".: Can "Darkness Neosphere" be used as a Fusion Material for "Elemental Hero Divine Neos"?

"Darkness Neosphere" can only be Special Summoned by the method written on the card. It cannot be Special Summoned from the Graveyard by an effect like "Monster Reborn".: Is "Darkness Neosphere" a Special Summon monster? Also, can it be Special Summoned from the Graveyard?

When your opponent declares an attack, you cannot send a face-down Fiend-Type monster from your field to the Graveyard as a cost to activate the effect of "Darkness Neosphere" which Special Summons it.: When Special Summoning "Darkness Neosphere", can you send a face-down Fiend-Type monster to the Graveyard?

If you have copies of "Ogre of the Scarlet Sorrow", "Battle Fader", and "Darkness Neosphere" in your hand and your opponent declares a second direct attack, then you can only activate one of those card's effects and Special Summon one of those cards.: Can you activate the effects of "Battle Fader" and "Ogre of the Scarlet Sorrow" which Special Summon them in a Chain?