Dark Core

  Normal / Spell
Discard 1 card, then target 1 face-up monster on the field; banish that target. 
CARD ID: 70231910
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YuGiOh! TCG karta: Dark Core


TCG SetSymbolRarityLowAvgTrend
Dark Revelation Volume 1 DR1-EN090 Common-,--€-,--€-,--€
Magician's Force MFC-035 Rare-,--€-,--€-,--€
The Dark Emperor Structure Deck SDDE-EN023 Common-,--€-,--€-,--€
War of the Giants: Round 2 BPW2-EN070 Super Rare-,--€-,--€-,--€
War of the Giants Reinforcements WGRT-EN070 Super Rare-,--€-,--€-,--€

Card Trivia

 Decayed Commander appears in this card's artwork.
Orbs similar to Dark Core appear in the artworks of the following cards:
Attribute Gravity
Psychic Lifetrancer
Caius the Shadow Monarch
Dimensional Alchemist
The Dark Creator
Sky Scourge Enrise
Fittingly enough, all of those cards (except Attribute Gravity) have an effect that removes a card from play.
This card is the banishing counterpart of Tribute to The Doomed.
This card's artwork is similar to the KaibaCorp Duel Tower in the Anime, when it is shrouded by Yami Marik's Shadow Magic.


OCG Rulings

Discarding 1 card is a cost.: Spell Card > Dark Core

This card targets 1 face-up monster on the field.

The monster is not destroyed.

The monster is removed from play face-up.

You cannot choose to activate cards/effects like "Dark Core" while "Imperial Iron Wall" is active.: Trap Cards > Imperial Iron Wall If "Imperial Iron Wall" is chained to such an effect/card, then no card is removed from play.: When "Imperial Iron Wall" is active, can you activate effects which remove cards from play?

If your "Elemental Hero Absolute Zero" is under your opponent's control, then when it is removed from play by "Dark Core" etc, it activates as your effect, and you destroy all monsters on your opponent's field. If it is removed from play temporarily with "Interdimensional Matter Transporter"/"Dimensionhole"/etc, then it is considered to be under your opponent's control while removed from play, so it activates as your opponent's effect and destroys all monsters on your field.: When your "Elemental Hero Absolute Zero" is removed from play from your opponent's field, are either player's monsters destroyed?

If your "Fortune Lady Light" is removed from play from your opponent's field permanently by an effect like "Dark Core", then you can activate its effect and Special Summon a "Fortune Lady" card from your Deck. If your "Fortune Lady Light" is removed from play from your opponent's field temporarily by an effect like "Interdimensional Matter Transporter" or "Dimensionhole", then your opponent controls "Fortune Lady Light" so they can activate its effect.: Can you activate the effect of your "Fortune Lady Light" when it is removed from play from your opponent's field?

Mentions in Οther Rulings

You do not have to pay costs when activating the effect of a Spell Card which was sent to the Graveyard by "Destiny Hero - Diamond Dude

Previously Official Rulings

Discarding 1 card from your hand is a cost.

This card targets. The target of "Dark Core" is selected at activation of "Dark Core".

If Ring of Destruction is chained to "Dark Core", and destroys the monster targeted by "Dark Core", then the effect of "Dark Core" disappears.

Mentions in Οther Rulings

Imperial Iron Wall: While "Imperial Iron Wall" is active, optional effects that would remove card(s) from play cannot be activated, so the effect of "Dark Core" cannot be activated.