Ceruli, Guru of Dark World

Fiend / Effect  DARK / 1
If this card is discarded to the GY by card effect: Special Summon this card to your opponent's field in Defense Position. If this card is Special Summoned by the effect of a "Dark World" card: Your opponent discards 1 card.
CARD ID: 07623640
STATUS TCG: Unlimited
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YuGiOh! TCG karta: Ceruli, Guru of Dark World


TCG SetSymbolRarityLowAvgTrend
Gates of the Underworld Structure Deck SDGU-EN003 Super Rare-,--€-,--€-,--€

Card Trivia

 As with the other Dark World monsters, this monster's name is based on a color; in this case, cerulean, a bright shade of blue.
This card's Chinese name, 藍爾利, is a combination of 藍 (blue), 爾 ěr (transcription of coda liquid consonants such as /r/ and /l/ in other languages, which is similar to the Japanese ル ru) and 利 (transcription of リ ri as in its Japanese name セル Seruri).
This monster appears in the artwork of
Infection Medium".


OCG Rulings

This card's effect which Special Summons it from the Graveyard to the opponent's field does not target.: Effect Monster > Ceruli, Guru of Dark World

This card's effect which discards one card from the opponent's hand when successfully Special Summoned does not target.

For the effect which discards 1 card from the hand, the person who selects a card and discards it is the opponent of the player who activated the effect.

If this card is Special Summoned to the opponent's field by its own effect, then its "when this card is Special Summoned" effect also activates.: Does the "when this card is Special Summoned" effect of "Ceruli, Guru of Dark World" activate when it is Special Summoned by its own effect? The effect activates separately, in a new Chain, after the first Chain finishes resolving.: Do the effect which Special Summons "Ceruli, Guru of Dark World" and the effect which makes the opponent discard activate separately?