Assault Spirits

  Normal / Trap
After activation, treat this card as an Equip Card, and equip it to a monster you control. Once per turn, during the equipped monster's attack, you can send 1 monster with 1000 or less ATK from your hand to the Graveyard during the Damage Step to have the equipped monster gain the ATK of the sent monster, until the End Phase. 
CARD ID: 87043568
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YuGiOh! TCG karta: Assault Spirits


TCG SetSymbolRarityLowAvgTrend
The Shining Darkness TSHD-EN073 Common-,--€-,--€-,--€

Card Trivia

 G.B. Hunter and Necro Gardna appear in this card's artwork.
Also, Hunter appears normal but Necro Gardna appears as a spirit. This actually reflects this card's effect, as Necro Gardna has less than 1000 ATK, and if you do use him for this card's effect, it would be a combo since you're also setting up Necro Gardna for his effect.
This card's artwork bears a similar resemblance to Assault Mode Activate.


TCG Rulings

Sending a monster from your hand to the Graveyard is a costmonsters.: The Shining Darkness Sneak Peek -- Card Rulings (Version 1.0)

You cannot send a monster with 0
ATK as the cost to activate the effect.: The Shining Darkness Sneak Peek -- Card Rulings (Version 1.0)

You cannot activate the card itself during damage calculation. Its effect "can" be activated during damage calculation.: The Shining Darkness Sneak Peek -- Card Rulings (Version 1.0)

OCG Rulings

After "Assault Spirits" is equipped, sending one monster with 1000 ATK or less from your hand to the Graveyard is a cost to activate its ATK-increasing effect.: Trap Card > Assault Spirits